Características físicas e acúmulo de nutrientes pelos cachos de 'niagara rosada' em vinhedos na região de Jundiaí

This research had as purpose to study the physical characteristics and nutrients accumulation in 40 grapevine vineyards of 'Niagara Rosada' cultivar in Jundiai and Louveira region. Half of the plants was grafted on the rootstock 'Riparia of Traviu' and the other was grafted on the rootstock 'IAC 766'. It were evaluated in each grapevine orchard: yield, cycle stages, clusters number, fertilized stems number per plant, physical characteristics per clusters and berries and accumulation of nutrients by the clusters. In the clusters sampled were evaluated the fresh matter weight, length and diameter of clusters, berries and pedicel. The clusters of each grapevine orchard sampled were dried and evaluated for the nutrients contents, with a purpose to obtain the accumulation of nutrients by metric ton of grape. The results showed similar characteristics between the rootstocks for the yield and cycle duration, clusters number and fertilized stems, being respectively of: 11.100kg ha-1, 134 days, 13 clusters and 9 fertilized stems. The physical characteristics showed the following values: 209g of fresh matter weight, 12cm of length and 6,8cm of clusters diameter; 4,3g, 19,9, 18,2 and 3,2mm of fresh matter weight, length, berries and pedicel diameter, respectively. The accumulation of nutrients can concluded that 'Niagara Rosada' cultivar grafted at 'Riparia of Traviu' showed the higher accumulation of P, Fe and Zn, while these cultivar was grafted at 'IAC 766' rootstock there was higher accumulation of Mn. In the both rootstocks, the 'Niagara Rosada' showed the following accumulation of nutrients in decreased order: K>N>P>Ca>S>Mg>B>Fe>Mn>Cu>Zn.