This article describes a new concrete armour unit called the CORE-LOCTM. The armour units are primarily intended for the protection of coastal and shoreline structures exposed to high wave energy, but the efficiency of the unit makes it suitable for a broad range of applications. The core-loc units interlock in a random matrix to form a highly stable, highly porous armour layer. Stability tests are described which show the core-loc to be one of the most stable randomly-placed armour units ever tested. Stability tests are also described which show that the unit is an improved repair unit for dolos armour layers. Structural numerical simulations show the maximum tensile stress in unreinforced core-locs to be below those of dolos and tribar units and similar to those in accorpode units, resulting in no need for steel reinforcement. Finally, the core-loc armour layer volume is shown to be less than that of layers comprised of other commonly used armour units. Three-dimensional stability tests of the proposed Noyo, California, Harbour breakwater are summarized.