Students exiting high school are more likely to have a job and a place to live than when transition planning was first mandated by the Individuals with Dis abilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990 and was included in the Amendments of 1997 (20 U.S.C. 1401(a)(19)). Yet a study conducted jointly by the National Orga nization on Disability and Louis Harris and Associates (1998) found that adults with disabilities are more likely to be un employed, lonely, and unhappy with their lives than are adults without disabilities. The authors stated: Americans with disabilities still face gaps in securing jobs, edu cation, accessible transportation and in many areas of daily life in cluding recreation and worship. . . . [There are] significant gaps between the employment rates of workers with disabilities and those without disabilities. Only 29% of persons with disabilities of working age (18-64) work full or part-time, compared to 79% of those without disabilities. . . . Of those with disabilities of working age who are not working, 72% say that they would prefer to work. (1998, p. 1)
M. Benz,et al.
Mobilizing Local Communities to Improve Transition Services
M. Wehmeyer,et al.
Measuring the Autonomy of Adolescents and Adults with Mental Retardation : A Self-Report Form of the Autonomous Functioning Checklist
A. Halpern.
The Transition of Youth with Disabilities to Adult Life: A Position Statement of the Division on Career Development and Transition, The Council for Exceptional Children
Joyce S. Choate,et al.
Performance Assessment and Special Education: Practices and Prospects
Joyce S. Choate.
Co-Assessment of Special Learners: A Call for Special and General Education to Unite
C. Hanley-Maxwell,et al.
Enhancing Independence in Supported Employment Natural Supports in Business and Industry
C. Bos,et al.
I Plan Helping Students Communicate in Planning Conferences