Survey on Incremental Information Extraction Using Relational Database

Information Extraction is the task of automatically extracting structured information from unstructured or semi-structured machine readable documents. In which extraction are expressed in the form of database query and query evaluated by using database system. Information extraction provide automated query generation components so that causual user do not have to learn query language in order to perform extraction. In Information extraction goal must be in the form of database query. Query must be evaluated and optimized by database system. Information Extraction is an active research area that uncover information from large collection of text. We performed experiments to highlight two important aspect of an information extraction system: Efficiency and Quality of extraction result. Our experiment show that query performance is efficient for real time application. Our approach is composed of two phases first initial phase for processing of text and second Extraction phase for using database query to perform extraction. Incremental Extraction approach reduce processing time 90 percent as compare to traditional approach.