트레이닝 방법에 따른 중학교 여자 1500m 선수들의 호흡순환기능 및 기록에 미치는 영향

The purpose of this study was to investigate The effect of training method on cardiorespiratory function and performance of a 1500m runners in woman. The conclusions were as follows: First, although the subjects of both groups did not show any difference on RRmax, HRmax, O₂Pulse after 8 weeks training & pre tess and post test, they showed improvement on cardiorespratory functions at the end of training(p$lt;.05). Second, the subjects of both groups showed the improvement on the performance of a pre tess and post test after training(p$lt;.05), & the subjects of circuit weight training group were faster than the subjects of interval training group on the performance of a long distance running after 8 weeks training(p$lt;.05). Summing up, the exercises through interval training & circuit weight training will give them good effects m the performance of along distance running during the period of growth. It was founded that the circuit training method, was more effective than training method for the performance of a long distance running.