Railway development : Impacts on urban dynamics

The impact of railway development on urban dynamics.- The impact of railway development on urban dynamics.- Setting the scene.- Urban dynamics and transport infrastructure: Towards greater synergy.- Station areas as nodes and places in urban networks: An analytical tool and alternative development strategies.- HST stations and urban dynamics: Experiences from four European cities.- What makes a city: Urban quality in Euralille, Amsterdam South Axis and Rotterdam Central.- New Key Projects for station redevelopment in the Netherlands.- A multidisciplinary approach of railway station development: A case study of 's-Hertogenbosch.- Evaluation studies.- Ex ante evaluation of railway station development projects: Issues still to be solved.- Multicriteria analysis of a high-speed railway station area development project.- Cost-benefit analysis of railway station area development: The case of Amsterdam South Axis.- Measuring the WTP for shopping facilities around railway stations.- High-speed rail and urban dynamics.- The impact of high-speed railway developments on office locations: A scenario study approach.- The effect of railway stations on office space rent levels: The implication of HSL South in station Amsterdam South Axis.- Regional high-speed trains on the Svealand line: Evaluation of effects.- Rail pricing and the supply of complementary commercial goods.- Light rail and urban dynamics.- Rail system development and urban transformations: Towards a spatial decision support system.- Rail-transit and real estate values in a polycentric city: A theoretic simulation approach.- Land use variables in trip generation models: The case of the light rail transit in Tel Aviv.