Exploring brain functions : models in neuroscience : report of the Dahlem Workshop on Exploring Brain Functions : Models in Neuroscience, Berlin, 1991 September 29-October 4

Partial table of contents: Transmitter Release Mechanisms: Relevance for Neuronal Network Functions (H. Korn & D. Faber). Modulating Membrane Properties of Neurons: Role in Information Processing (E. Marder). Integration in the Neurons and Microcircuits of the Neocortex (R. Douglas & K. Martin). Learning Algorithms and Network Architectures (T. Poggio & F. Girosi). Experience-Dependent Alterations in Synaptic Structure and Function (M. Friedlander). Cerebral Memory Circuits (M. Mishkin). Models of Image Segmentation and Object Recognition (S. Ullman). Neuronal Representations and Temporal Codes (W. Singer, et al.). Symbolic Architectures: Organization of Intelligence (P. Rosenbloom & A. Newell). Prolegomenon to Evolution of Cognition (D. Premack). Indexes.