Oscillations in Neural Systems

Contents: Preface. Part I: Oscillations in Single Neurons and Local Networks. G. Gross, J.M. Kowalski, B.K. Rhoades, Spontaneous and Evoked Oscillations in Cultured Mammalian Neuronal Networks. D.C. Tam, Detection of Oscillations and Synchronous Firing in Neurons. D.A. Baxter, H.A. Lechner, C.C. Canavier, R.J. Butera, Jr., A.A. DeFraneschi, J.W. Clark, Jr., J.H. Byrne, Coexisting Stable Oscillatory States in Single Cells and Multicellular Neuronal Oscillators. M. Stemmler, M. Usher, C. Koch, Oscillatory Local Field Potentials. G.J. Mpitsos, J.P. Edstrom, Computations Neurons Perform in Networks: Inside Versus Outside and Lessons Learned From a Sixteenth-Century Shoemaker. Part II: Oscillations in Cortical and Cortical/Subcortical Systems. I. Soltesz, The Interplay of Intrinsic and Synaptic Membrane Currents in Delta, Theta and 40-Hz Oscillations. E. Thomas, Dynamics of Low-Frequency Oscillations in a Model Thalamocortical Network. M.E. Jackson, L.J. Cauller, Towards the Function of Reciprocal Corticocortical Connections: Computational Modeling and Electrophysiological Studies. D. Young, An Oscillatory Model of Cortical Neural Processing. G.L. Yuen, Response Synchrony, APG Theory, and Motor Control. Part III: Oscillatory Models in Perception, Memory, and Cognition. D. Horn, I. Opher, Temporal Segmentation and Binding in Oscillatory Neural Systems. A. Grunewald, S. Grossberg, Perceptual Framing and Cortical Synchronization. D. DeMaris, Attention, Depth Gestalts, and Spatially Extended Chaos in the Perception of Ambiguous Figures. G. Borisyuk, R. Borisyuk, Y. Kazanovich, G. Strong, Oscillatory Neural Networks: Modeling Binding and Attention by Synchronization of Neural Activity. B. Baird, T. Troyer, F. Eeckman, Attentional Network Streams of Synchronized 40-Hz Activity in a Cortical Architecture of Coupled Oscillatory Associative Memories. Part IV: Applications of Synchronized and Chaotic Oscillations. G.E. Mobus, P.S. Fisher, Foraging Search at the Edge of Chaos. A.G. Brown, S. Collins, An Oscillatory Associative Memory Analogue Architecture. N.S. Park, D. Robertson, K. Stenning, Symbolic Knowledge Encoding Using a Dynamic Binding Mechanism and an Embedded Inference Mechanism. A. Jagota, X. Wang, Oscillations in Discrete and Continuous Hopfield Networks. S. Wolpert, Modeling Neural Oscillation Using VLSI-Based Neuromimes.