Primal‐dual active set methods for Allen–Cahn variational inequalities with nonlocal constraints

This thesis aims to introduce and analyse a primal-dual active set strategy for solving Allen-Cahn variational inequalities. We consider the standard Allen-Cahn equation with non-local constraints and a vector-valued Allen-Cahn equation with and without non-local constraints. Existence and uniqueness results are derived in a formulation involving Lagrange multipliers for local and non-local constraints. Local Convergence is shown by interpreting the primal-dual active set approach as a semi-smooth Newton method. Properties of the method are discussed and several numerical simulations in two and three space dimensions demonstrate its efficiency. In the second part of the thesis various applications of the Allen-Cahn equation are discussed. The non-local Allen-Cahn equation can be coupled with an elasticity equation to solve problems in structural topology optimisation. The model can be extended to handle multiple structures by using the vector-valued Allen-Cahn variational inequality with non-local constraints. Since many applications of the Allen-Cahn equation involve evolution of interfaces in materials an important extension of the standard Allen-Cahn model is to allow materials to exhibit anisotropic behaviour. We introduce an anisotropic version of the Allen-Cahn variational inequality and we show that it is possible to apply the primal-dual active set strategy efficiently to this model. Finally, the Allen-Cahn model is applied to problems in image processing, such as segmentation, denoising and inpainting. The primal-dual active set method proves exible and reliable for all the applications considered in this thesis.


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