Max-min greedy matching

There has been much recent interest in the online bipartite matching problem of Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani [2], and variations of it, due to its applicability to allocation problems in certain economic settings. A prominent example is online advertising; for more details, see the survey by Metha [3]. The new problems are both theoretically elegant and practically relevant.

[1]  Aranyak Mehta,et al.  Online budgeted matching in random input models with applications to Adwords , 2008, SODA '08.

[2]  Michal Feldman,et al.  Combinatorial Auctions via Posted Prices , 2014, SODA.

[3]  Justin Hsu,et al.  Do prices coordinate markets? , 2015, SECO.

[4]  Miroslav Chlebík,et al.  Approximation hardness of edge dominating set problems , 2006, J. Comb. Optim..

[5]  Brendan Lucier,et al.  An economic view of prophet inequalities , 2017, SECO.

[6]  L. S. Shapley,et al.  College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage , 2013, Am. Math. Mon..

[7]  Aranyak Mehta,et al.  Online bipartite matching with unknown distributions , 2011, STOC '11.

[8]  Shengwu Li Obviously Strategy-Proof Mechanisms , 2017 .

[9]  Denis Pankratov,et al.  On Conceptually Simple Algorithms for Variants of Online Bipartite Matching , 2017, WAOA.

[10]  David Wajc,et al.  Randomized Online Matching in Regular Graphs , 2018, SODA.

[11]  Paul Dütting,et al.  Posted Prices, Smoothness, and Combinatorial Prophet Inequalities , 2016, ArXiv.

[12]  Amin Saberi,et al.  Online stochastic matching: online actions based on offline statistics , 2010, SODA '11.

[13]  Amos Fiat,et al.  The Invisible Hand of Dynamic Market Pricing , 2015, EC.

[14]  Mohammad Mahdian,et al.  Online bipartite matching with random arrivals: an approach based on strongly factor-revealing LPs , 2011, STOC '11.

[15]  Mohit Singh,et al.  Short Tours through Large Linear Forests , 2014, Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization.

[16]  Tim Roughgarden,et al.  Simple versus optimal mechanisms , 2009, EC '09.

[17]  Richard M. Karp,et al.  An optimal algorithm for on-line bipartite matching , 1990, STOC '90.

[18]  Aranyak Mehta,et al.  Online Matching and Ad Allocation , 2013, Found. Trends Theor. Comput. Sci..

[19]  Marc Demange,et al.  Minimum Maximal Matching Is NP-Hard in Regular Bipartite Graphs , 2008, TAMC.