한국형발사체를 기반으로 한 듀얼 벨 노즐의 전산수치해석 기초 결과
Numerical analysis was conducted as a preliminary study for evaluating the dual bell nozzle. For future parametric studies, a dual bell nozzle was designed, and thereafter inlet condition, turbulence model, and the number of optimum grids were determined. Dual bell nozzle was designed based on the KSLV-II first stage nozzle. Inlet condition was determined to frozen flow model of non-reacting eight species by comparing with the design values. SST k-ω model turned out to be suitable as turbulence model. About 150 thousand of the grids were selected after grid sensitivity tests. Based on the results determined in this study, we plan to investigate performance gain of the KSLV-II by adopting a proposed dual bell nozzle.