Prototype RECOVER system hardware and software review and future remote monitoring system philosophy. POTAS Task E. 59 remote monitoring design review

This report describes the first phase of Task E.59 of the Program for Technical Assistance to IAEA Safeguards (POTAS). It contains a design review of the existing prototype RECOVER equipment and preliminary recommendations for an operational, remote monitoring system. The principal conclusions of the design review are related to the limitations of the prototype system regarding communications efficiency and operator interactions. To a large extent, the limitations are a result of the initial RECOVER system conceptual design, and perhaps more importantly, to the technology available when the system was developed. The preliminary recommendations are aimed at eliminating, to the maximum extent possible, the aforementioned limitations through the use of the suggested concepts and current state-of-the-art technology. These recommendations are intended to provide the basis for follow-on Task E.59 activities leading to a detailed conceptual design, including specifications, of an operational, remote monitoring system. Efforts leading to such a design would commence after the overall utility and cost effectiveness of remote monitoring are defined in terms of ultimate routine use of such a system by the IAEA.