Handbook of pediatric psychology

Part I: Professional Issues. Aylward, Bender, Graves, Roberts, Historical Developments and Trends in Pediatric Psychology. Rae, Brunnquell, Sullivan, Ethical and Legal Issues in Pediatric Psychology. Buckloh, Greco, Professional Development, Roles, and Practice Patterns. Holmbeck, Zebracki, McGoron, Research Design and Statistical Applications. Tynan, Stehl, Pendley, Health Insurance and Pediatric Psychology Services. Part II: Cross-cutting Issues. Clay, Culture and Diversity Issues in Research and Practice. Nelson, Steele, Evidence-Based Practice in Pediatric Psychology. Carter, Kronenberger, Scott, Ernst, Inpatient Pediatric Consultation-liaison. Greca, Mackey, Adherence to Pediatric Treatment Regimens. Dahlquist, Nagel, Chronic and Recurrent Pain. Blount, Zempsky, Jaaniste, Evans, Cohen, Devine, Zeltzer, Management of Pediatric Pain and Distress Due to Medical Procedures. Brown, Daly, Carpenter, Cohen, Pediatric Pharmacology and Psychopharmacology. Kazak, Schneider, Kassam-Adams, Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress. Gerhardt, Baughcum, Young-Saleme, Vannatta, Palliative Care, End of Life, and Bereavement. Palermo, Wilson, eHealth Applications in Pediatric Psychology. Part III: Medical, Developmental, Behavioral, and Cognitive-Affective Conditions. Aylward, Neonatology, Prematurity, and Developmental Issues. McQuaid, Abramson, Pediatric Asthma. Quittner, Barker, Marciel, Grimley, Cystic Fibrosis: A Model for Drug Discovery and Patient Care. Wysocki, Buckloh, Greco, The Psychological Context of Diabetes Mellitus in Youths. Lemanek, Ranalli, Sickle Cell Disease. Vannatta, Salley, Gerhardt, Pediatric Oncology: Progress and Future Challenges. Wade, Walz, Bosques, Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury. Deidrick, Grissom, Farmer, Central Nervous System Disorders: Epilepsy and Spina Bifida as Exemplars. Rapoff, Lindsley, Karlson, Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Delamater, Jent, Cardiovascular Disease. Rodrigue, Zelikovsky, Pediatric Organ Transplantation. Banez, Cunningham, Abdominal Pain-related Gastrointestinal Disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Tarnowski, Brown, Pediatric Burns. Silverman, Tarbell, Feeding and Vomiting Problems in Pediatric Populations. Jelalian, Hart, Pediatric Obesity. Doyle, le Grange, Eating Disorders. Campbell, Cox, Borowitz, Elimination Disorders: Enuresis and Encopresis. Meltzer, Mindell, Pediatric Sleep. Campbell, Segall, Dommestrup, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities. VanScoyoc, Christophersen, Behavior Problems in a Pediatric Context. Daly, Cohen, Carpenter, Brown, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Pediatric Context. Gillaspy, Bonner, Child Maltreatment. Part IV: Public Health Issues. Fuemmeler, Moriarty, Brown, Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities and Access to Care. Kirschman, Mayes, Perciful, Prevention of Unintentional Injury in Children and Adolescents. Wilson, Lawman, Health Promotion in Children and Adolescents: An Integration of the Biopsychosocial Model and Ecological Approaches to Behavior Change. Short, Rosenthal, Sturm, Zimet, Enhancing Adoption of Preventive Behaviors: Vaccination as an Example. Stancin, Perrin, Ramirez, Pediatric Psychology and Primary Care. Part V: Systems. Steele, Aylward, An Overview of Systems in Pediatric Psychology Research and Practice. Kazak, Rourke, Navsaria, Families and Other Systems in Pediatric Psychology. Reiter-Purtill, Waller, Noll, Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on the Peer Relationships of Children with Chronic Conditions. DuPaul, Power, Shapiro, Schools and Integration/Reintegration into Schools. Seid, Opipari-Arrigan, Sobo, Families' Interactions with the Health Care System: Implications for Pediatric Psychology. Part VI: Emerging Issues. Tercyak, Genetics and Genetic Testing. South, Wolf, Herlihy, Translating Clinical Child Neuroscience to Practice: New Directions. Roy, Wu, Roberts, Allergic Reactions in Children: Implications for Pediatric Psychology. Barakat, Pulgaron, Daniel, Positive Psychology in Pediatric Psychology. Armstrong, Individual and Organizational Collaborations: A Roadmap for Effective Advocacy.