Fibrous Dysplasia of the Middle Turbinate with Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Case Report A 64-year-old wo man with a longstanding history of hypercalcemia and elevated parathyroid hormone levels was referred for parath yroidectomy. Computed tomography (CT) of the paranasal sinuses was per form ed to investigate sinus co mplaints . An abnormality of the left middle turbinate, compa tible with fibrous dyspl asia, was identified (Figure I). At the time of parath yroidectomy, a large portion of a densely calc ified left middle turbin ate was removed endoscopically. A thin layer of mucosa was found cove ring the turbinate, and there was no bleedin g. Pathologic exa mination of the specimens showe d a para thyroi d adenoma, and turbinate changes compatible with fibrous dyspl asia (Figures 2 arid 3).