로컬푸드 직매장의 발전전략 -일본 JA로컬푸드 직매장의 사례분석을 중심으로-

The channel of a direct transaction is very various in korea. Among them, the interested thing is Yong Jin`s local food store. This local food store benchmarked the instance of the Japan. So the instance of the Japan is important. This study is to analyse the instance of the Japan and Based on this, propose the development strategy. First, the production reformation is needed. Second, the distribution reformation is needed. Third, the added value have to be improved through the sixth industry. Fourth, the strategy is needed like the fosterage of the agricultural product sommelier. The fifth, the safety desire of the consumer has to be satisfied. The sixth, the analysis of commercial power has to be consistently implemented. Finally, the ability of the store manager has to be strengthened through the store manager training.