Germany: computer graphics in computer science and art education

The vitality of computer graphics education in Germany persists. The last general inquiry on computer graphics education was made in 1993 by the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics within the German Society of Computer Science (Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)) [2, 3, 4]. Since then, the number of institutions at German universities that offer an education in computer graphics (generally professors appointed for teaching and research in the field) has risen considerably. While the 1993 survey came up with 29 individuals at 26 universities, the current situation shows 40 at 33 universities.In general, the fundamental education in computer graphics at an academic level (i.e. discursive dealing with methods of both computer graphics and various related fields) is carried out at universities, usually as part of the curricula in Computer Science Departments. Education in computer graphics, which is primarily application oriented, can be obtained in Engineering and Art Departments of universities, at technical schools (Fachhochschulen) and art schools (Hochschulen für Kunst). The previously mentioned investigation of 1993 focused on computer graphics education at universities and technical schools. The recent surveys were conducted to determine the current situation of computer graphics as a subject of academic education per se, as well as a means and tool for art education.