Integrating Dynamic and Geometry Model Components through Ontology-Based Inference

Modeling techniques tend to be found in isolated communities: geometry models in computer-aided design (CAD) and computer graphics, dynamic models in computer simulation, and information models in information technology. When models are included within the same digital environment, the ways of connecting them together seamlessly and visually are not well known even though elements from each model have many commonalities. A model is required to be able to connect models together in the interface; however, creating such models is time-consuming. This article addresses this deficiency by studying specific ways in which models can be interconnected within the same 3D space through effective ontology construction and human interaction techniques. The authors have developed a method for automatically constructing a human-computer interface model (i.e., which is termed an interaction model) from an ontology for an example physical environment. The work to date has resulted in an environment based on a 3D modeling and animation package, permitting users to explore dynamic model structure through interactions with geometric scene structure.

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