A Web-based Framework of Project Performance and Control System

Making sure projects are completed on time, within budget and according to specified quality are the ultimate goals for all projects. The powers of modern computing system and World Wide Web (WWW) have made it easier for project managers to monitor information in the comfort of their office and home. Internet allows project managers access to information from any location of their choice and thus they could manage their projects without being present on location. Converting and delivering project-based information are necessary in order to make full use of the internet. Earned Value Management (EVM) is one of the many tools that project managers used to track cost growth and project delay. It provides an objective measure of the amount of work that has been accomplished. EVM is often utilized by project managers to track project progress and determine their achievements. Project information could be converted into manageable and easily understood pieces that would form information clusters. The purpose of this paper is to layout a visualized architecture of project performance measurement that integrates earned value analysis and control within a Web-based system which would allow construction personnel to track, modify and update cost and time-based data of project status online.