A TensorFlow Simulation Framework for Scientific Computing of Fluid Flows on Tensor Processing Units

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation framework for fluid-flow prediction is developed on the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) platform. The TPU architecture is featured with accelerated dense matrix multiplication, large high bandwidth memory, and a fast interchip interconnect, making it attractive for high-performance scientific computing. The CFD framework solves the variable-density Navier-Stokes equation using a low-Mach approximation, and the governing equations are discretized by a finite-difference method on a collocated structured mesh. It uses the graph-based TensorFlow as the programming paradigm. The accuracy and performance of this framework is studied both numerically and analytically, specifically focusing on effects of TPU-native single precision floating point arithmetic. The algorithm and implementation are validated with canonical 2D and 3D Taylor-Green vortex simulations. To demonstrate the capability for simulating turbulent flows, simulations are conducted for two configurations, namely decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence and a turbulent planar jet. Both simulations show good statistical agreement with reference solutions. The performance analysis shows a linear weak scaling and a superlinear strong scaling up to a full TPU v3 pod with 2048 cores.

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