In modern interaction, web applications has gained more and more popularity, which leads to a significate growth of exposure to malicious users and vulnerability attacks. This causes organizations and companies to lose valuable information and suffer from bad reputation. One of the effective mitigation practices is to perform security testing against the application before release it to the market. This solution won't protect web application 100% but it will test the application against malicious codes and reduce the high number of potential attacks on web application. One of known security testing approach is threat modeling, which provides an efficient technique to identify threats that can compromise system security. The authors proposed method, in this paper, focuses on improving the effectiveness of the categorization of threats by using Open 10 Web Application Security Project's OWASP that are the most critical web application security risks in generating threat trees in order to cover widely known security attacks.
Sabah Al-Fedaghi,et al.
Threat Risk Modeling
2010 Second International Conference on Communication Software and Networks.
Dieter Gollmann,et al.
Securing Web applications
Inf. Secur. Tech. Rep..
Frank Swiderski,et al.
Threat Modeling
Hacking Connected Cars.
Dianxiang Xu,et al.
A threat model‐based approach to security testing
Softw. Pract. Exp..
Michael Howard,et al.
The security development lifecycle : SDL, a process for developing demonstrably more secure software