New techniques for high-speed characterization in the telecommunication environment

Measuring the temporal electric field of light allows the optimization of optical sources for specific applications and allows a better understanding of the interaction of light with matter. In optical telecommunications, the need for temporal characterization is due to the impact of processes such as chromatic dispersion in optical fibers, nonlinear effects and amplification on the electric field of a data-encoded source. The characterization of these impairments is valuable for system design and operation. Two recent developments in the domain of high-speed characterization of optical signals in the telecommunication environment are reviewed. The spectrogram technique allows the measurement of the electric field of a periodic source, and can therefore be used for the characterization of optical sources, pulse carving and pulse compression setup, as well as the characterization of propagation in a medium, leading to determination of chromatic dispersion or nonlinear index. Linear optical sampling measures samples of the electric field of a source (i.e. amplitude and phase), and is therefore a generalization of a sampling oscilloscope. It therefore allows the measurement of eye diagrams and constellation diagrams of data-encoded optical sources, and is particularly useful to characterize phase-shift keyed sources and partially coherent sources.