Varicocele in Youth: A Therapeutic Dilemma

The need for treatment of asymptomatic varicocele in youth is controversial. In the current study testicular volume and seminal variables were evaluated in three groups: young varicocele patients with undetermined fertility potential, infertile varicocele patients, and a control group of young males. The testicular volume was determined by ultrasonographic measurements. The results revealed a significant loss of “testicular mass” in both varicocele groups compared with the control group. The seminal findings disclosed a severe disturbance of spermatogenesis in the older varicocele group, whereas in the younger varicocele patients only the total spermatic count was significantly depressed. This difference in severity of functional impairment between the younger and older varicocele groups possibly points towards progressiveness of damage to the testicles. A more decisive therapeutic approach to the young male with asymptomatic varicocele and unknown fertility status could be justified.