Investigative Research As a Knowledge-Generation Method: Discovering and Uncovering

The authors explicate investigative research as a formal research method for knowledge generation. The impetus comes from two recent developments that have reexamined the nature of knowledge generation: paradigmatic shift from methodological individualism to methodological relationalism, and the rise of indigenous psychology. We identify three germane intellectual attitudes: examining the evidence, vigilance against deceptive appearance, and recognition of ignorance. Investigative research has the advantage of bringing the investigator to observe closely and directly phenomena of interest, relying on disciplined, naturalistic, and in-depth observations over time in diverse contexts. It is particularly suitable for uncovering, understanding, and reporting social phenomena that may be hidden from or not easily accessible to observers. Investigative research can function as a guardian of social conscience through (a) maintaining vigilance against institutional corruptions or threats to civic virtues; and (b) reexaminations of published evidence that serve to tighten quality control and ethical integrity in scientific research.

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