An algorithm for identifying cycle-plus-triangles graphs

Abstract The union of n node-disjoint triangles and a Hamiltonian cycle on the same node set is called a cycle-plus-triangles graph. Du, Hsu and Hwang conjectured that every such graph has independence number n . The conjecture was later strengthened by Erdős claiming that every cycle-plus-triangles graph has a 3 -colouring, which was verified by Fleischner and Stiebitz using the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz. An elementary proof was later given by Sachs. However, these proofs are non-algorithmic and the complexity of finding a proper 3 -colouring is left open. As a first step toward an algorithm, we show that it can be decided in polynomial time whether a graph is a cycle-plus-triangles graph. Our algorithm is based on revealing structural properties of cycle-plus-triangles graphs.