Assessment of stand‐wise stem volume retrieval in boreal forest from JERS‐1 L‐band SAR backscatter

JERS‐1 L‐band SAR backscatter from test sites in Sweden, Finland and Siberia has been investigated to determine the accuracy level achievable in the boreal zone for stand‐wise forest stem volume retrieval using a model‐based approach. The extensive ground‐data and SAR imagery datasets available allowed analysis of the backscatter temporal dynamics. In dense forests the backscatter primarily depended on the frozen/unfrozen state of the canopy, showing a ∼4 dB difference. In sparse forests, the backscatter depended primarily on the dielectric properties of the forest floor, showing smaller differences throughout the year. Backscatter modelling as a function of stem volume was carried out by means of a simple L‐band Water Cloud related scattering model. At each test site, the model fitted the measurements used for training irrespective of the weather conditions. Of the three a priori unknown model parameters, the forest transmissivity coefficient was most affected by seasonal conditions and test site specific features (stand structure, forest management, etc.). Several factors determined the coefficient's estimate, namely weather conditions at acquisition, structural heterogeneities of the forest stands within a test site, forest management practice and ground data accuracy. Stem volume retrieval was strongly influenced by these factors. It performed best under unfrozen conditions and results were temporally consistent. Multi‐temporal combination of single‐image estimates eliminated outliers and slightly decreased the estimation error. Retrieved and measured stem volumes were in good agreement up to maximum levels in Sweden and Finland. For the intensively managed test site in Sweden a 25% relative rms error was obtained. Higher errors were achieved in the larger and more heterogeneous forest test sites in Siberia. Hence, L‐band backscatter can be considered a good candidate for stand‐wise stem volume retrieval in boreal forest, although the forest site conditions play a fundamental role for the final accuracy. When the article was submitted L. Eriksson was at the Department of Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Friedrich‐Schiller University, D‐07743 Jena, Germany.

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