This paper presents the pan-European EGEE Grid focusing on aspects such as production infrastructure, the management tools and the operational services offered. Usage statistics and the provided Quality of Service are analysed to assess the maturity level, the current penetration of Grid technologies in Europe and the current expansion trends. Being EGEE a large distributed infrastructure, operations are a joint effort of different regional centres with central coordination. EGEE operations rely on a common and agreed set of procedures, policies and interfaces, which are the foundation of operational services such as middleware deployment, Grid oversight, accounting, operational security management and support. A transition is in place to lead EGEE to a more sustainable approach based on a set of integrated National Grid Initiatives. With the support of the EGI-InSPIRE project the EGEE e-infrastructure and its services will migrate into a new governance model for the future sustainability of Grids in Europe.
Ming Jiang,et al.
An APEL Tool Based CPU Usage Accounting Infrastructure for Large Scale Computing Grids
Gilles Mathieu,et al.
GOCDB4, a New Architecture for the European Grid Infrastructure
Ying-Ta Wu,et al.
GVSS: A High Throughput Drug Discovery Service of Avian Flu and Dengue Fever for EGEE and EUAsiaGrid
Journal of Grid Computing.
Hélène Cordier,et al.
From EGEE OPerations Portal towards EGI OPerations Portal
Andrey N. Belikov,et al.
Merging Grid Technologies
Journal of Grid Computing.
Kislay Bhatt,et al.
Monitoring the Availability of Grid Services Using SAM and Gridview
Thomas Fahringer,et al.
Practical Experience from Porting and Executing the Wien2k Application on the EGEE Production Grid Infrastructure
Journal of Grid Computing.