Sociodemographic determinants of download and use of a mHealth application for Corona contact tracing (Corona Warn App) in Germany – results of the COSMO study

Study description This study aims to analyze the association of sociodemographic characteristics of users to download and use of the Corona tracing app launched in Germany in June 2020 (“Corona Warn App”, CWA). Also, we want to examine attitudes towards the app stratified by selected population characteristics to understand barriers to successful use. Data from the most recent waves of the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring (COSMO) that contain items referring to the CWA (waves15-19) will be used. Sociodemographic characteristics include age, gender, education, federal state, migrant status, number of children, presence of chronic disease, work status, income, smart phone use. Variables concerning CWA include information on download, use and opinions about functionality of the CWA. Main outcome parameter for CWA use will be the question “have you already downloaded the app”. Attitudes towards CWA will be analysed exploratively. Multiple logistic regression analyses will be used to assess the association of sets of potential sociodemographic predictors as independent variables.