Benchmarking Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Protocols for Cell Atlas Projects

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is the leading technique for charting the molecular properties of individual cells. The latest methods are scalable to thousands of cells, enabling in-depth characterization of sample composition without prior knowledge. However, there are important differences between scRNA-seq techniques, and it remains unclear which are the most suitable protocols for drawing cell atlases of tissues, organs and organisms. We have generated benchmark datasets to systematically evaluate techniques in terms of their power to comprehensively describe cell types and states. We performed a multi-center study comparing 13 commonly used single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq protocols using a highly heterogeneous reference sample resource. Comparative and integrative analysis at cell type and state level revealed marked differences in protocol performance, highlighting a series of key features for cell atlas projects. These should be considered when defining guidelines and standards for international consortia, such as the Human Cell Atlas project.

Oliver Stegle | Christian Conrad | Aviv Regev | Itoshi Nikaido | Rickard Sandberg | Holger Heyn | Dominic Grün | Kaori Tanaka | Adrian Alvarez | Christoph Ziegenhain | Elisabetta Mereu | Ivo Gut | Joshua Z. Levin | Swati Parekh | Wolfgang Enard | Xian Adiconis | Lan T. Nguyen | Sagar | Davis J. McCarthy | Sascha Sauer | Stéphane C. Boutet | Catia Moutinho | Robert C. Jones | Eduard Batlle | Atefeh Lafzi | Davis J. MacCarthy | Julia K. Lau | Chad Sanada | Aik Ooi | Robert C. Jones | Kelly Kaihara | Chris Brampton | Yasha Talaga | Yohei Sasagawa | Tetsutaro Hayashi | Cornelius Fischer | Timo Trefzer | Aleksandar Janjic | Lucas E. Wange | Johannes W. Bagnoli | Marta Gut | J. Levin | X. Adiconis | A. Regev | C. Conrad | R. Sandberg | M. Gut | I. Gut | O. Stegle | W. Enard | Christoph Ziegenhain | Swati Parekh | H. Heyn | S. Sauer | I. Nikaido | S. Boutet | Tetsutaro Hayashi | E. Batlle | Lan Nguyen | C. Fischer | Kelly Kaihara | Timo Trefzer | Y. Sasagawa | A. Ooi | C. Brampton | C. Moutinho | A. Janjić | L. Wange | E. Mereu | Kaori Tanaka | Atefeh Lafzi | C. Braeuning | A. Álvarez-Varela | I. Gut | Dominic Grün | Kaori Tanaka | Chad D. Sanada | A. Janjic | Yasha Talaga | C. Ziegenhain | A. Janjic | Cornelius Fischer | Yohei Sasagawa | Holger Heyn | J. Lau | Sascha Sauer | Christian Conrad | Catia Moutinho | Davis J. McCarthy | Eduard Batlle | Dominic Grün | Stéphane C. Boutet | Chad Sanada | Aik Ooi | Robert C. Jones | Kelly Kaihara | Chris Brampton | Tetsutaro Hayashi | Christian Conrad | Oliver Stegle | Xian Adiconis | Cátia Moutinho

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