The superior value of supervoltage irradiation in special situations: carcinoma of the mouth and carcinoma of the testis.

The purpose of this Symposium is to ascertain whether cure rates are sufficiently increased by supervoltage irradiation to warrant the installation of super-voltage apparatus in all radiation therapy departments. After thirteen years of clinical experience with this modality, I find two types of supporting evidence: the individual case of arrest of an unusual, advanced cancer known to be intractable to more common methods, and the statistical series confined to a single type of lesion. I shall present here a case of multiple intraoral cancer and two types of carcinoma of the testis, radiosensitive seminoma and radioresistant tro-phocarcinoma (embryonal carcinoma). The theoretically developed support of the value of supervoltage irradiation is being modified through clinical testing as a result of unexpected and paradoxical observations. Three Successive Intraoral Cancers: Case Report On Nov. 5, 1951, a white male, aged 82 years, was seen with a lump in the right side of the neck of two weeks duration. Two...