How to Remotely and Automatically Score TRAINFIRE Record Fire and Field Fire Ranges
Abstract : A major finding of recent file marksmanship research is that, in order to improve learning, the firer needs feedback about his shot-by-shot performance. Many efforts are underway to build more effective feedback into the instructional programs. One way to aid this process is the automation of various ranges (e.g., Record Fire). The purpose of this paper is to detail how such automation could be carried out using the current M31A1 TRAINFIRE Target Holding Mechanism. A simple modification of the mechanism, the addition of a hit indicating wire per target or lane, and a control panel, that includes hit registering capability, will permit automatic scoring. Various pieces of equipment could probably be adapted for the control system. Although not covered in the paper, an inexpensive microcomputer with a suitable interface could easily be utilized for control and scoring. Keywords: M16A1 rifle, Marksmanship ranges, Marksmanship targets, Knowledge of results, Automated scoring, M31A1 target holding mechanism.