Input harmonic and mixing behavioural model analysis
This thesis details the necessary evolutions to Cardiff University's HF
measurement system and current CAD model implementation to
allow for input second harmonic and mixing models to be measured,
generated, and simulated. A coherent carrier distribution system was
built to allow four Agilent PSGs to be trigger linked, thus enabling for
the first time three harmonic active source- and load-pull
measurements at X-band. Outdated CAD implementations of the
Cardiff Model were made dynamic with the use of ADS' AEL. The
move to a program controlled schematic population for the model
allows for any type of model to be generated and input into ADS for
simulation. The investigations into isolated input second harmonic
models have yielded an optimal formulation augmentation that
describes a quadratic magnitude and phase dependency.
Furthermore, augmentations to the model formulation have to
comprise of a model coefficient and its complex conjugate in order to
maintain real port DC components. Any additional terms that
describe higher than a cubic phase dependency are not
recommended as average model accuracy plateaus, at 0.89%, from
the quartic terms onwards. Further model investigations into input
and output harmonic mixing of coefficients has been detailed and
shows that model coefficient mixing achieves better model accuracy,
however, coefficient filtering is suggested to minimize model file sizes.
Finally, exercising the modelling process from measurement to
design, a generated source- and load-pull mixing model was used to
simulate an extrinsic input second harmonic short circuit, an
intrinsic input second harmonic short circuit, and input second
harmonic impedance that half-rectified the input voltage waveform
with Class-B output impedances. The tests were set up to see the
impact of input second harmonic tuning on drain efficiency.
Efficiencies of 77.31%, 78.72%, and 73.35% were observed for the
respective cases, which are approximately a 10% efficiency
improvement from measurements with no input second harmonic
tuning. These results indicate that to obtain performances at X-band
close to theory or comparable to performance at lower frequencies
input waveform engineering is required.