Integrating Airborne Hyperspectral, Topographic, and Soil Data for Estimating Pasture Quality Using Recursive Feature Elimination with Random Forest Regression

Accurate and efficient monitoring of pasture quality on hill country farm systems is crucial for pasture management and optimizing production. Hyperspectral imaging is a promising tool for mapping a wide range of biophysical and biochemical properties of vegetation from leaf to canopy scale. In this study, the potential of high spatial resolution and airborne hyperspectral imaging for predicting crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME) in heterogeneous hill country farm was investigated. Regression models were developed between measured pasture quality values and hyperspectral data using random forest regression (RF). The results proved that pasture quality could be predicted with hyperspectral data alone; however, accuracy was improved after combining the hyperspectral data with environmental data (elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, and soil type) where the prediction accuracy for CP was RCV (cross-validated coefficient of determination) = 0.70, RMSECV (cross-validated root mean square error) = 2.06%, RPDCV (cross-validated ratio to prediction deviation) = 1.82 and ME: RCV = 0.75, RMSECV = 0.65 MJ/kg DM, RPDCV = 2.11. Interestingly, the accuracy was further out-performed by considering important hyperspectral and environmental variables using RF combined with recursive feature elimination (RFE) (CP: RCV = 0.80, RMSECV = 1.68%, RPDCV = 2.23; ME: RCV = 0.78, RMSECV = 0.61 MJ/kg DM, RPDCV = 2.19). Similar performance trends were noticed with validation data. Utilizing the best model, spatial pasture quality maps were created across the farm. Overall, this study showed the potential of airborne hyperspectral data for producing accurate pasture quality maps, which will help farm managers to optimize decisions to improve environmental and economic benefits.

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