version of the algorithm which is called in the literature as componentaveraged row projections or CARP. In Chap. 8, which is based on our recent paper published in the journal Nonlinear Analysis, we study a proximal algorithm for finding a common zero of a family of maximal monotone operators. In Chap. 9, we extend the results of Chap. 8 for a dynamic string-averaging version of the proximal algorithm. The results of Chaps. 7 and 9 are new. In Chaps. 10–12, subgradient projection algorithms for convex feasibility problems are studied for finite and infinite Hilbert spaces. The results of these chapters concerning iterative methods were obtained in our recent papers published in the Journal on Optimization Theory and Applications and in the Journal of Approximation Theory, while the results on their dynamic string-averaging versions are new. Rishon LeZion, Israel Alexander J. Zaslavski November 16, 2015