Study of Iron, Copper and Zinc Removal from Acidic Solutions by Sorption

The attenuation of mining activity in the Slovak Republic which started in 1989 led to the extensive closing of deposits using wet conservation, i.e. flooding. Negative effects of acid mine drainage can be observed mainly in the localities where sulphide ores and sulphide-containing raw materials used to be mined. The treatment of acid mine drainage requires the study of using of physical–chemical methods in acidic conditions. Sorption belongs to the effective and economically acceptable methods to remove heavy metals. The paper deals with the utilization of two sorbents: turf brush PEATSORB and zeolite for Fe, Cu and Zn removal from model sulphuric acid solutions (pH 4). The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effects of different parameters (ion concentration, pH) on sorption efficiency and the study of the mechanism of Fe, Cu and Zn removal in acidic conditions with the aim to use results for metals removal from acid mine drainage.