In this paper I want to describe how I have used MCHART in beginning to construct a parser for gr-mm-rs expressed in PSG, and how aspects of the chart parsing approach in general and MCHART in particular have made it easy to acco~mmodate two significant aspects of PSG: rule schemata involving variables over categories; and compound category symbols ("slash" categories). To do this I will briefly introduce the basic ideas of chart parsing; describe the salient aspects of MEHART; give an overview of PSG; and finally present the interesting aspects of the parser I am building for PSG using MCHART. Limitations of space, time, and will mean that all of these sections will be brief and sketchy I hope to produce a much expanded version at a later date.
Ronald M. Kaplan.
A multi-processing approach to natural language
AFIPS National Computer Conference.
Ronald M. Kaplan,et al.
Augmented Transition Networks as Psychological Models of Sentence Comprehension
Gerald Gazdar,et al.
Unbounded Dependencies and Coordinate Structure
Gerald Gazdar,et al.
Phrase Structure Grammar
Gerald Gazdar,et al.
A cross-categorial semantics for coordination
Martin Kay,et al.
The MIND System