자동차 기능 안전성 표준 ISO 26262 기반 개발방법론 연구

Nowadays road vehicles have 70~100 ECUs and the complexity are getting higher and higher to provide more safe and convenient services. This growing complexity makes the traditional development methods used no longer sufficient to validate the safety of vehicles. It is generally accepted that a new safety argument needs to show that the system is safe for its intended application. To cope with this issue, the ISO 26262 is under development by ISO TC22/SC3/WG16, which is planned to be released by June 2011. It emphasis on comprehensive safety management and documentation of the safety arguments with its supporting evidence during the whole lifecycle of vehicle in addition to hazard analysis, risk assessment, This paper introduces an automotive development methodology, FOAM (Functional safety Oriented Automotive development Methodology), which fulfils the ISO 26262 developed by ETRI.