A New Crossing Structure Based DB-DES Algorithm for Enhancing Encryption Security

The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher that encrypts a 64 bit block of plaintext into a 64 bit block of ciphertext. The DES has been a worldwide standard for 20 years since it was adopted in 1976. strong. But, due to the rapid development of hardware techniques and cryptanalysis, the DES with 64-bit key is considered to be not secure at the present time. Therefore it became necessary to increase the security of DES. The NG-DES(New Generation DES)[1] is an encryption system which upgrades the encryption security of DES by the key extension and the usage of non-linear f function. It extends not only the size of plaintext and ciphertext to 128 bit but also the Fiestel structure used in each round. This structure has a weak point that the change of each bit of plaintext does not affect all bits of ciphertext simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a modified Fiestel structure of DES and thus increased confusion and diffusion by effectively cross-connecting between outputs in a round and inputs in next round.