[Ulcers of the tongue, pityriasis lichenoides and primary parvovirus B19 infection].

INTRODUCTION We report a case of parapsoriasis en gouttes (or pityriasis lichenoides) which presents two peculiarities. First, the patient had lingual ulcerations and second, the eruption appeared during a seroconversion for Parvovirus B19. OBSERVATION A 25 old woman presented a first episode of characteristic parapsoriasis en gouttes associated with purpuric palmoplantar lesions and lingual ulcerations, reaching deep muscular in histology. DISCUSSION This observation of parapsoriasis en gouttes, peculiar because of lingual ulcerations, is mostly interesting because of its association with a primo-infection to Parvovirus B19. The receptor of the virus is localised on endothelial cells and that could explain purpuric lesions and ulcerations observed.