Flood risk analysis and management – Achieving benefits from research

This short paper considers two examples of potentially deriving greater benefit from expenditure on research on flood risk management. Both examples come from current EU funded projects in the Sixth Framework Programme. The FLOODsite Integrated Project is undertaking research into integrated flood risk analysis and management methodologies. The EC project stops short of implementation and uptake into practice of the research outputs, which are critical to deriving lasting public benefit from the advances in knowledge and understanding created in the project. The FLOODsite team has recognised this and has produced a Communication and Dissemination Plan to guide better the transfer of the research to end-users. In addition, the Coordinator has established close links with stakeholders as part of a planned integration of the research into national practice in the UK. The second example project is the Coordination Action CRUE which forms part of the ERA-NET programme. CRUE approaches the deli very of greater benefit from research expenditure from a different perspective, the closer collaboration and cooperation between the national funding programmes for research. This has already led to a common call for research funded from several Member States’ national programmes. The expected outcome of the activities on the process of research commissioning and management and dissemination of the research outputs should bring long-lasting benefits to all the Partners in the ERA-NET. The ultimate goal of CRUE is to establish an enduring programme of research collaboration and integration beyond the network funding.