An unstructured mesh Newton solver for compressible fluid flow and its parallel implementation

g(z') = AT(z')X(z') An algorithm is presented for the solution of the fluid flow equations on twc+ and threedimensional where g(z) is the gradient of the objective function unstructured meshes. The spatially discretized equaand A ( z ) is the Jacobian matrix of the active contions are solved using a Newton iteration procedure. straints. For this reason, a linear system involving Numerical results are shown for the uniproc-r althe transposed Jacobian matrix is often solved (pergorithm in two space dimensions. The algorithm is haps in a least-squares sense) to obtain Lagrange then extended to three space dimensions and implemultiplier estimates. Since in aerodynamic shape mented on a multiprocessor architecture using a mesoptimization, the flow equations are treated as consage passing protocol. Numerical results are shown straints, the need arises to solve the transposed Jain three dimensions for computations carried out on cobian matrix problem the IBM SP2 parallel computer. parallel to the gradient of the active constraints