Sow and litter recording procedures. Report of a working party of the E.A.A.P. commission on pig production

Abstract Sow and litter recording data show a very large variation in parameters, definitions and accuracy, which makes the study and utilisation of such data almost impossible. Because of the great need, both scientifically and commercially, for reliable and comparable data, proposals are brought forward for a standardised system. These are now recommended by E.A.A.P. to anyone working and publishing in this field. The amount of information and its accuracy are dependent upon the objectives of the registration. Therefore three categories of work, i.e. scientific, breeding and commercial, have been defined and three gradings of importance per parameter. Thus 20 parameters are thought to be essential for scientific work, 15 for breeding work and 8 for commercial work. Detailed recommendations and definitions are given for a standardised registration. It is stressed that these recommendations give only the minimum requirements.