Evaluation of the quality of steel cord belt splices based on belt condition examination using magnetic techniques

The results of long-lasting research into steel cord belt splices strength performed at Wroclaw University of Technology Belt Conveying Laboratory indicate that the quality of splicing procedure greatly affects splice strength. Properly performed splices have strength of up to 100% of the nominal strength of belt, while the strength of improperly performed splices may be 70% or even lower. Each mistake made during splicing procedure results in decreased splice strength. Varying operating conditions and unstable conveyor operation may lead to exceeding actual strength values of performed splice. This may in turn lead to the splice breaking and bring the conveyor to emergency stop, until the damage is repaired. Such emergency stop results in a financial loss due to high cost not only of resplicing and belt loop restretching, but also of removing spilled material and of complete transportation system downtime. Practical mistakes made during splicing result in inappropriate splice geometry, which decreases splice strength and in extreme cases may lead to premature splice damage.