Experimental Investigation of an Active Twist Model Rotor Blade Under Centrifugal Loads

Individual Blade Control (IBC) for helicopter rotors promises to be a method to increase flight performance and to reduce vibration and noise. Quite a few concepts to realize IBC Systems have been proposed so far. Some of them have already been tested in wind tunnels or on real helicopters. A drawback of all systems that include discrete mechanical components like hinges, levers or gears is their vulnerability in a helicopter environment with high centrifugal loads and high vibration levels. That’s why the idea of using smart materials that are directly embedded in the rotor blade structure is very attractive for this application. Operating as solid state actuators they can generate a twist deformation of the rotor blade without any friction and wear. In the common DLR-ONERA project “Active Twist Blade” (ATB), DLR designed and build a 1:2.5 mach scaled BO105 model rotor blade incorporating state of the art Macro Fiber Composite (MFC) Actuators. The design of the blade was optimized using a finite element code as well as rotor dynamic simulations to predict the benefits with respect to vibrations, noise and performance. Based on these tools a blade was designed that meets all mass and stiffness constraints. The blade has been intensively tested within some bench- and centrifugal tests. The mechanical properties of the blade obtained within the bench tests showed a good correlation between measured and calculated values. The centrifugal test comprised a measurement of the active twist performance at the nominal rotation speed of 1,043 RPM at different excitation frequencies from 2 up to 6/rev. It was proven, that also under centrifugal loads the predicted twist amplitudes can be achieved.