Accelerometer identification using shock excitation

Abstract A signal processing method for identifying the input–output behavior of accelerometers is developed. The method is based on the state-space description of the relationship between input, noise and output signals. The accelerometer is modeled as a one-degree-of-freedom system. The acceleration input signal is derived from the interferometrically measured displacement signal by a subroutine for the low-noise estimate of the input acceleration. For observed sequences of input–output data, the parameters of the transfer function of the accelerometer are estimated by minimizing the prediction error sequence of the state-space model. The identification procedure developed was applied to accelerometer input–output data with peak values ranging from about 10 4 to 5 × 10 4 m/s 2 furnished by a shock acceleration standard device. The estimated transfer function characterizes the input–output behavior of the accelerometer in the time and frequency domain and allows to determine the acceleration output signals for non-stationary input signals, for example, the peak values in primary shock calibrations.