Crystal and molecular structures of some binuclear complexes of cobalt(II) and nickel(II) acetylacetonates with pyridines and piperidine and a refinement of the crystal and molecular structure of hexakis-(acetylacetonato)trinickel(II)

The crystal and molecular structures of the binuclear complexes [M2(py)(acac)4][M = NiII, (1), M = CoII, (2); py = pyridine, acac = acetylacetonate] and [Ni2(pip)2(acac)4](3; pip = piperidine) have been determined by single-crystal X-ray methods. Complexes (1) and (2) are isostructural in the monoclinic space group P2/c, Z= 4, with cell dimensions a= 16.859(12), b= 10.873(11)c= 17.010(15)A, β= 112.97(7)°; and a= 17.039(12), b= 10.904(11), c= l7.106(12)A, β= 113.55(8)° respectively. The structures have been refined to R= 0.077 for (1) and 0.062 for (2) using 1 664 and 2 791 observed diffractometer intensities respectively. Compound (3) is triclinic, space group P, with a= 9.637(5), b= 9.052(5), c= 11.414(7)A, α= 73.54(8), β= 113.90(9), γ 103.37(8)°, and Z= 1. R has refined to 0.077 for 1 180 observed data. The metal atoms are octahedrally co-ordinated in all three compounds. In the pyridine complexes, three oxygen atoms from chelating acetylacetonate ligands form monoatomic bridges between the two metal atoms so that the metal atom co-ordination polyhedra share a triangular face. The Ni–Ni and Co–Co separations in (1) and (2) are 2.891(3) and 2.966(5)A whilst the Ni–O–Ni and Co–O–Co bridge angles average 87.8 and 88.2° respectively. Each M–O–M bridge is unsymmetrical and there are trigonal distortions in the metal co-ordination octahedra. Molecules of (3) are centrosymmetric and comprise two O–O edge-shared octahedra. The Ni–Ni separation is 3.240 A. The structure of [Ni3(acac)6], (4), has been redetermined and refined to R= 0.0787 using 980 data and gives an average Ni–Ni separation of 2.856(7)A and an average Ni–O–Ni bridge angle of 85.6°. There are marked trigonal distortions of the NiO6 octahedra and the Ni–0 (bridging) distances vary considerably from 1.98(2) to 2.31(2)A.