Common variants in P2RY11 are associated with narcolepsy

Growing evidence supports the hypothesis that narcolepsy with cataplexy is an autoimmune disease. We here report genome-wide association analyses for narcolepsy with replication and fine mapping across three ethnic groups (3,406 individuals of European ancestry, 2,414 Asians and 302 African Americans). We identify a SNP in the 3′ untranslated region of P2RY11, the purinergic receptor subtype P2Y11 gene, which is associated with narcolepsy (rs2305795, combined P = 6.1 × 10−10, odds ratio = 1.28, 95% CI 1.19–1.39, n = 5689). The disease-associated allele is correlated with reduced expression of P2RY11 in CD8+ T lymphocytes (72% reduced, P = 0.003) and natural killer (NK) cells (70% reduced, P = 0.031), but not in other peripheral blood mononuclear cell types. The low expression variant is also associated with reduced P2RY11-mediated resistance to ATP-induced cell death in T lymphocytes (P = 0.0007) and natural killer cells (P = 0.001). These results identify P2RY11 as an important regulator of immune-cell survival, with possible implications in narcolepsy and other autoimmune diseases.

Christian Gieger | Poul Jennum | Thomas Meitinger | Emmanuel Mignot | Terry Young | Pui-Yan Kwok | Jing Li | Katsushi Tokunaga | Pablo V Gejman | Fang Han | Alex Desautels | Lawrence Steinman | Giuseppe Plazzi | Birgit Frauscher | Mark Kvale | Jong-Hyun Jeong | Fabio Pizza | Jacques Montplaisir | Guy A Rouleau | Birgit Hogl | Maurice M Ohayon | Simon Warby | Minae Kawashima | Paul Peppard | C. Gieger | N. Risch | P. Kwok | A. Desautels | T. Young | M. Kvale | T. Meitinger | H. Wichmann | E. Mignot | P. Peppard | F. Han | Seung-Chul Hong | F. Poli | G. Plazzi | D. Levinson | S. Nevsimalova | J. Montplaisir | M. Ohayon | K. Strohl | P. Jennum | L. Steinman | J. Winkelmann | W. Longstreth | J. Hallmayer | P. Gejman | G. Rouleau | K. Tokunaga | S. Warby | F. Pizza | Thomas J. Rico | S. Hesselson | J. Eshragh | Ling Lin | B. Hogl | J. Faraco | G. Nepom | B. Frauscher | H. Kuipers | A. Hamacher | M. Kassack | P. Bourgin | B. Kornum | M. Kawashima | Yu-Shu Huang | Juliane Winkelmann | D. Kemlink | H-Erich Wichmann | Stine Knudsen | Neil Risch | Francesca Poli | William T Longstreth | Gerald T Nepom | Patrice Bourgin | Jong-Hyun Jeong | Joachim Hallmayer | Juliette Faraco | Stephanie Hesselson | Sona Nevsimalova | Yutaka Honda | Makoto Honda | Mali Einen | Taku Miyagawa | Marie Dobrovolna | Karin Weiner | Kingman P Strohl | Douglas F Levinson | Hedwich F. Kuipers | Y. Honda | M. Honda | Robert C Axtell | Matthias U Kassack | David Kemlink | Ling Lin | Yu-Shu Huang | Seung-Chul Hong | Alexandra Hamacher | P. Hesla | Elisabeth Ruppert | Per Egil Hesla | Birgitte R Kornum | Tom Rico | Hedwich Kuipers | Karin Weiner | Xiaosong Dong | Thanh G N Ton | Jasmin L Eshragh | Sung-Pil Lee | M. Einen | R. Axtell | S. Knudsen | T. Ton | T. Miyagawa | Jing Li | Xiao-song Dong | E. Ruppert | Sung-Pil Lee | M. Dobrovolná | Yu‐Shu Huang | S. Nevšímalová | Minae Kawashima

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