Practical interpretation of metrological traceability on gauge block as to VIM 3
In ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007, i.e. the International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology-3rd edition (VIM 3), the term “traceability” is replaced by “metrological traceability”, giving it a new definition as property of a measurement result which can be related to a reference. In essence, “metrological traceability” can offer an evidence of measurands tracing to the primary standards which can realize the SI units, and offer a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, thus considered as one of the most important terms in VIM 3. National Measurement Laboratory (NML, Chinese Taipei) has long operated its main mission of calibration implemented along with peer assessed traceability of its measurement systems, which demonstrate a calibration hierarchy conventionally in schematic approach. In dealing with definition of the new term “metrological traceability” in VIM 3, this paper elaborates in taking additionally a newly mathematical approach rather than schematic approach only to realize the practical interpretation of “metrological traceability” to show how the unbroken calibration chain is functioning seamless and robust on the gauge block measurement system in NML. Through such study activities, we well assure our strong confidence on technology inheritance of gauge block and the other measurement systems with sufficient metrological know-how in NML, which can continually pass to each entry level metrologist.