친환경학교시설의 유지관리 조사를 통한 친환경건축물인증제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구

The number of buildings certified by GBCS(Green Building Certification System) has increased, especially in school facilities recently. It seems to be resulted from growing interest in 'Low Carbon and Green Growth'. But new version of the GBCS is urgently needed because the initial GBCS has been used too long time without any fundamental update. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the improved GBCC(Green Building Certification Criteria). For this, the enforcement background and developing process of GBCS were reviewed and a spot survey was conducted to find out the poor maintenance of adopted technologies and the problems in applying the GBCC for the certified school facilities operated for longer than 1 year. The new version of GBCS including GBCC based on the result of this study is hopefully turned up to be enforced soon, resulting in marking conspicuous distinctions between certified school and ordinary school.