Ariane 5-ME and Electric Propulsion: GEO Insertion Options

Electric propulsion is now widely used on commercial satellites, and the prospects of allelectric satellites may be considered for future comsats where all propulsive duties are fulfilled by the electric propulsion subsystem, including orbit raising. In such a configuration, the full benefits of using higher specific impulse devices for the satellite onboard propulsion would be realized. These benefits may be expressed in terms of increased payload capability in geostationary orbit, but also in terms of increased satellite operational life or decreased launch costs, depending on market demands. This study examines the best match options between electric propulsion and a launch vehicle with frozen specification, with Ariane 5-ME taken as a reference example. Departure orbit options before the electric orbit raising to GEO are traded in order to realize the full potential of both the launch vehicle performance and electric propulsion. The selection of the best options is discussed, depending on the priority given to fast electric orbit raising and low radiation fluence versus improved dry mass capability to geostationary orbit.