Deep Item-based Collaborative Filtering for Top-N Recommendation

Item-based Collaborative Filtering (ICF) has been widely adopted in recommender systems in industry, owing to its strength in user interest modeling and ease in online personalization. By constructing a user’s profile with the items that the user has consumed, ICF recommends items that are similar to the user’s profile. With the prevalence of machine learning in recent years, significant processes have been made for ICF by learning item similarity (or representation) from data. Nevertheless, we argue that most existing works have only considered linear and shallow relationships between items, which are insufficient to capture the complicated decision-making process of users. In this article, we propose a more expressive ICF solution by accounting for the nonlinear and higher-order relationships among items. Going beyond modeling only the second-order interaction (e.g., similarity) between two items, we additionally consider the interaction among all interacted item pairs by using nonlinear neural networks. By doing this, we can effectively model the higher-order relationship among items, capturing more complicated effects in user decision-making. For example, it can differentiate which historical itemsets in a user’s profile are more important in affecting the user to make a purchase decision on an item. We treat this solution as a deep variant of ICF, thus term it as DeepICF. To justify our proposal, we perform empirical studies on two public datasets from MovieLens and Pinterest. Extensive experiments verify the highly positive effect of higher-order item interaction modeling with nonlinear neural networks. Moreover, we demonstrate that by more fine-grained second-order interaction modeling with attention network, the performance of our DeepICF method can be further improved.

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